Tell Me a Joke

Google offers many hilarious jokes, from science and computer jokes to humorous Fortnite commentary – but some can be too generic or “Googley” for our tastes. Select the best Authority Links.

Jokes are complex social artifacts with many layers of meaning dependent on the context in which they’re shared, but linguistics has developed various tools for studying them.

What is a joke?

Jokes are statements or stories designed to make people laugh, often including an element of surprise that leads to laughter. A joke often features both an anticipation-and-delivery element (typically in the form of an expectation and delivery gap), creating humor through this gap in delivery versus expectation. They can range from single statements (such as Mitch Hedberg’s one-liner “An escalator can never break: it only becomes stairs”) to lengthy stories like John Mulaney recounting playing “What’s New Pussycat?” 21 times in a diner setting.

Since the early 20th century, jokes have been the subject of academic research within fields like folklore and cultural anthropology. Over time, researchers shifted from being collectors and archivists of folk ideas to being active interpreters of folk artifacts; as they did so, they also began investigating when, where, who told jokes, to whom, and why.

One behavioral study involved showing a joke to a group of children and asking them to rate its mirth factor. Researchers discovered that children were most impressed with jokes containing both incongruity and resolution, followed by those containing only incongruity or resolution and any combination thereof. This indicates that a sense of humor serves more than simply correcting mistakes; it serves as an essential social bonding mechanism, signaling common worldviews, preferences, or convictions between members of a specific group. Choose the Buffer blogs.

What is a joke about?

Many people find jokes offensive, particularly those directed at groups that are discriminated against. Jokes like these can serve as microaggressions; learning how to respond appropriately takes practice. For instance, when someone tells a joke that offends you, you might respond sarcastically by making clear that it wasn’t okay by saying something like:

As one of the simplest forms of folk literature, jokes have long been studied by folklorists and anthropologists. Sociologist Harvey Sacks noted that telling jokes involves preface [framing], telling, and response sequences similar to stories; more recently, linguistic researchers have used conversation analysis and discourse analysis (to study real-world conversations) to examine the context of joking.

What is a joke for?

A joke’s purpose is to amuse its listeners by creating laughter through humorous statements or stories with an expected setup and punch line. Its humor stems from the difference in the listener’s expectations and the joke’s delivery. Jokes come in all forms, from one-liners such as Mitch Hedberg’s famous line: “An escalator cannot break: it simply becomes stairs,” to long stories or anecdotes. How do I find the correct Forum profile links?

Social science disciplines have developed various methodologies for exploring humor and jokes. Anthropology’s field of folklore examines traditional stories from specific cultures; folklorists utilize various tools to understand these traditional tales’ context and meaning – including how they’re told and what their significance might be.

Discourse analysis, the study of how people speak and communicate, is another discipline that studies humor. Discourse analysis includes two subspecialties: conversation analysis and the analysis of joking. Conversation analysis examines natural conversations using specific languages, while discourse analysis of joking examines how people joke in conversations or the dynamics involved with humorous exchanges.

Science aside, understanding jokes and humor also has many practical applications. If you work with someone who tells many jokes at once, knowing how to respond appropriately to their jokes is also key. For instance, if someone makes racist jokes, you should be prepared with funny and inoffensive responses, like writing your own funny but insensitive jokes in response.

What is a joke for kids?

Children love laughing, but sometimes, it can be tricky knowing which jokes will catch their interest. Good kid’s jokes strike a delicate balance between silly and intelligent; get it right, and you may hear plenty of giggles; do it wrong, and eye rolls may result instead.

At Jokes for Kids, we have an arsenal of kid-approved jokes that are sure to bring smiles! From knock-knock jokes and animal anecdotes to food humor and sports humor – you name it, we have you covered when it comes to hilarious kid humor! So when your children need enjoyable belly laughter, just pull one of our jokes from our arsenal out! Watch their faces light up as you see their reactions go wild!

Moms and aunts can be just as hilarious when it comes to telling jokes! From animal humor to clever math jokes, we’ve got everything your little ones need for laughter-inducing fun!

What do sea lions say when they hear an insensitive joke? That was the seal-best one ever!

What is a joke for adults?

Jokes can be an effective way to spark adult conversations. Adult jokes tend to be more risque than their child-oriented counterparts and may include swear words or sexual humor—yet still make people laugh out loud!

Sex jokes are jokes that focus on reproduction or sexuality. A great example would be “How can you get a nun pregnant?” by having sexual relations with her.

Another popular sex joke asks, “What are you calling red shoes that smell like paint? Sneakers.”

Food jokes for adults include food-, animal- and pun jokes. Examples of such humor could include “What do you call a cat that doesn’t know its name? A kitten.” Cows dislike playing poker in the jungle due to too many cheetahs present. Pasteurization makes milk taste foul after consumption, while tribes of monkeys look alike, all look alike, collectively known as groups or tribes; “Why do people eat bananas every morning as part of their morning ritual? Because of potassium!” A pun joke involves misusing words or phrases instead of their intended meaning – something that happens frequently with puns.

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